Why Email Marketing is so important?

Anyone does not have Email?  I bet no one..

Why do we considering email such an important tool in our business or daily life?

Because one of the best tool in online marketing is Email.

Did you know that email marketing is 40 times more effective at acquiring customers than social media?

According to Chris (2015), recent email marketing statistics also show that:

  • 44% of email recipients made at least one purchase last year based on a promotional email.
  • 7 in 10 people say they made use of a coupon or discount from a marketing email in the prior week.
  • 56% of businesses say they plan to increase their use of email marketing in the future.

Let’s see the various reasons why Email marketing is still important.

Fig1: Email Marketing

It Helps You Create A Loyal Audience.

91% of consumers check their inbox at least once a day. That’s a large number of people you could be targeting. That number is more users than Facebook.

Emails Last longer Than Social Media Content.

Email has a longer lifespan. The opportunity to acquire more readers, more customers are being given, users could see who is reading and sharing your emails.

It Helps to Target Mobile Customers.

Most of the people own smart phone and use it almost everywhere, isn’t it? That’s the great chance for marketers to use customers’ bahaviours as a key role to target them. You can target your audience without investing a huge investment.

You Can Get Personal.

Users would like to know whether there are real people behind those brands or not. You can address each person specifically which mean they are more likely to trust you. You could establishing brand awareness and boosting social interaction, that mean combination is critical.

Emails Are Able To Test Allowance.

Whenever you receive Email, they will be some companies offer sample A or B testing opportunities. If they are response, it means you are success in term of interaction and you could invest further to those participated customers.

However, some drawbacks can’t be ignored. Email marketing are annoyed for those who is not the target audience. For example, some business are trying to attract a huge customers by requesting general information to collect as a database by offering prize or gifts. Unfortunately, non-target customers are interrupted by business email so, they perceived as  a rubbish email which might lead to negative brand image.

In summary, Email marketing still play a major role to grab the target audience, even we have a common problem that we are ignoring excessive amount of ads coming everyday through our inbox but why business still use these techniques? It might be a reason of these benefits outweigh the negative aspects.

What do you think?




Chris (2015), 25 Email Marketing Tips for Small Businesses. https://www.reliablesoft.net/25-email-marketing-tips-for-small-businesses/ [accessed 12 Nov,2015].


Email marketing.[image online] Available at: http://www.futureweaverinfotech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Email-Marketing [accessed 12 Nov, 2015].

Cover Photos:

Email marketing. [image online] Available at: http://cdn.business2community.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/email-marketingBF0E655D7C5A [accessed 12 Nov, 2015].

23 thoughts on “Why Email Marketing is so important?

  1. I agree with you as most of people use mobile phone and laptop. Also, most of people have email. It’s a way that marketer use to update their producT, remain customer relationship and tell their customer that the brand still alive 🙂 Good content anyway 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Panniisa
      Yes it is, email marketing is the way to keep customer relationship and it is the effective way to get customer data. We have customer database thus, we will know more about their behaviours and encourage them to participate in specific campagin or activities.
      What do you think if excessive email marketing are being used with customers? Is it spammy? Or it is benefit for us as a consumer view to gather company updated data?


  2. I agree that E-mail is important when we have relation with costumer.
    For costumer ways ,it’s believeble for contact and make it personal when we have a bussiness contact.
    For bussiness ways ,we can caring costumer persernal and we can have more efficiency to relation with costumer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Suwatchai for coming to my blog.
      Email marketing is important in term of various reasons;
      It would help to target more specific customers in order to create deeper customer relationship from both parties.
      If customers are engage with companies much more, they will turn themselves to become loyalty customers.


  3. Emailing would be included in the after sale services which is for maintaining customer relationship for a company. Customers would like to hear from these companies’ solicitude, such as keeping them update about new in products or promotion. However, recently we can see the phenomenon of excess of email sending, and which causing annoyed to the customers. The effect of email marketing could go opposite. How to make effective email marketing should be concerned by these companies.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Zhenglouis for useful thoughts.
      In term of marketers, Email marketing is such an important tool to target specific market in order to access their personal data and sharing useful company’s information, such as promotion and what’s new. However, in term of customers, for me,company who sent too much information to my Email annoyed me and I rarely engage to it.
      Take these two side into consideration, I could say that we should balance the number of Emails access to customer; otherwise the negative image of those companies will be reminded by customers instead of positive image.


  4. I have heard a lot about how effective of email marketing and i cannot agree more with it. It is permanent as you said. However, i still believe that there will be some people who don’t like emails such as spam, fake promotion. So it’s the companies’ responsibility to not make an email as spam and be more specific with accurate information to consumer also such as sent the dress to women not men.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Biibung for your comments
      That’s the another point to talk about.
      I agree with you at this point because I am the one who really annoyed with too much Email coming to my inbox, and some are junks. I think the reason behind that is some marketers are trying to heavily push the advertisement to the customers,then the feeling of negative outcomes are being shown out.
      In the another point of view, Email marketing helps in term of low budget yet high interactive customers if we target the right group. If customers are interested in campaign or activites or promotion or other things that companies setting up, they are definitely willing to take part in the activities. So,this techniques will be useful for marketers.


  5. From my experience, the email plus discount code is quite attractive to me. Well, that’s enough for me to spend some time to read for more details. It may insult me when the promotion in there is just a fake or useless thing, but at least it gets my attention.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. K,Thank you for sharing your experience.
      For me, I understand what marketers are trying to promote by attracting customers’ eyes contact. They are sometimes pushing attractive strategies,such as promotion or discount. Another way is they are applying the hard sales by using advertisement or coupons, especially end of season- that’s effective. However, if some companies just provide the fake one in order to lead customers to pay attention on, that’s the dishonorable of company’s reputation.


  6. This is a very controversial topic because for a lot of people email marketing is no longer effective but for others is the best tool that they could have to advertise their products.
    I think that always depends on the product that we are talking about, probably if you have a subscription with an airline or with your favorite clothing brand you are going to open the email and to read the message. But if you are talking to people who don’t even know that their information is being used by a certain company the message is more likely to fail.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you ANGÉLICA RODRÍGUEZ MENDOZA to raise a great discussion toward my blog.
      I do agree with you that this topic is a dilemma of marketers and customers to find a perfect solution for both parties.

      On the one hand, if those products or services in email message are the customer’s interested topics, obviously they are going to open and spent some time to read them. On the other hand, if those are out of their interested topic, definitely a junk or spam email.

      So as a marketers, we are trying to manipulate those messages and optimize the way to deliver those emails effectively. That’s probably helpful for email users and companies to get the best solution.


  7. Personally, I use one email address for register websites and received emails that I have never read so I doubt that email marketing can work effectively.
    I agree with you that the reason why companies still use email marketing is the benefits outweigh the negative aspects. I wonder that if competitors are using email marketing, companies could not abandon this technique, which may be another reason for email marketing’ existence.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I get your point of view HaiqiongYu!
      Thank you for comment.
      In my viewpoint, I also use only one email to register every websites, every platforms – both Thailand and United Kingdom, so it means that more than fifty email marketing are daily accessed to my inbox which irritate my daily activities. I am so confused which one is important then I come up with ignoring all those emails. That is the negative results because of several reasons. One main reason could be I lack important information. Another reason is I have no enough time to read every emails. Sometime users create the new account for holding spam emails which companies didn’t know before.
      What do you think is the best solution for this?

      Another point you raised up is the competitor techniques, Yeah I do agree with you that if competitors are focusing on this techniques which is quite specific targeting to customers, we should keep email marketing exists to gain target customers from email as well.


  8. I partly agree that email marketing is so important especially in these days. According to the improvement of technology, using email marketing can help marketer using it to contact with customers easily and effectively as well. In contrast,there are some clients who dislike the email marketing surely because it can disturb them in term of the personality habit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I take your points, Chanthacha.
      To me, I do agree with you, as a result, marketers need to balance the amount and content we are going to deliver message in order to protect the irritation from email users. At least, marketers need to create trust to the customers. The real information is very important because if false message are being sent through e mail marketing, it would be harmful in the long run.


  9. I think email is a good way of marketing, like you said email marketing have many benefits. However, the problem is that how to collect consumers’ personal email address? Many companies collect consumers’ email address by using apply membership card, but the consumer is not an idiot, so no one will give them their personal address, most emails were sent in to addresses that no one check it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi David_Zhou.
      First of all, I would like to say that’s excellent point to discuss !!
      Marketers face these problems in the marketplace as many savvy customers do not want to be disturbed by tactic marketers. So I think one way to solve this problem is match the right target customers to the right advertisement. Marketers need to analyse customers’ behaviours and select email to sent to the right target. For instance, if A is family lovers and then the advertisement via email is focusing on the family issue. That would be the perfect target for marketer so, why don’t customer will click on that email?
      Another possible solution is daily ads limit amount. It should be appropriate -not too much. Customers don’t like excessive ads coming up into their personal email. It is harmful.


  10. I don’t think that email marketing still play a major role to grab the target audience. Email is just a vector to communicate.

    consumers would not like to read a strange “email” especially including ads.
    For instance, I join a volunteer program called VESA, and I would like to read the information about it through they send me from Email. BUT, I would not open them if I don’t know what it is

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Renlyeee
      That’s another interesting point. I think the way to solve that problem are as follow.
      Marketers need to know how to balance the amount of emails being sent. It is essential for marketers to consider about and the content should be match with target audience in order to attract customers.
      For example, if I am price-sensitive customers and I have received the Email about seasonal sales, I will definitely click to Email to read in details.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I partly agree that e-mail is a good way for marketing. Today most people have an e-mail, but not everyone reads all of it. Of course, when my favorite brands send their product ads to me, I enjoy reading what they offer. But when I see that it’s an e-mail from the brand I don’t like, I don’t even click to see what they send. So I think e-mail is a good marketing strategy for the brand that hold the market, but it may not suitable for a start-up.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. In my point of view, I think 50/50 agree with the important of email marketing. I know that there are many benefits you have already told us above but I am the one not quite enjoy using email. In addition, I seldom use email and it is a bit annoying when many advertisements of some brands coming inbox so I stop looking at my email. I do prefer Facebook or Line. I think they are more convenient to me. You can put the advertisements on these two and there are some features for marketing as well. Saying that email is the most important marketing tool is not quite right for me. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Thanks for the article, nice content!
    It is my opinion that to be more productive, email marketing should be more “clever”.
    Nowdays, public data for each person are so massive, that if they are manipulated correctly, that could evidently benefit both the customer and the companies.
    For instance, it is difficult to assess if a person is valid campaign target just by using his email.
    Information like previews buys, trends, or even comments and likes on social media could be gathered (let’s say by attracting the customer first in the social media page if the company and trying to make him active over there).
    Furthermore, more and more companies nowdays use tools like questionnaires, or even login forms that require some personalization data, etc. to give the customer the option to classify himself.
    All this information could build a nice profile for the customer, making the job of attracting him with more personalized content easier.

    In top level analysis, it is my belief that instead of spamming the user with new information, the correct way to go is to find ways of making him engage on his own, to ask for more suggestions himself.

    The only “catchy” thing here, is that you have only a limited amount of 3-5 seconds to attract the customer. That means LOTS of your budget should go to design(which is another big topic for discussion) , because that one first click is going to make a difference!

    If you go the other way, that means if you don’t care of short-term impression and the engagement of your customer by personalization, your emails are most probably going to end up on the Junk Folder..! 😉

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